do you...don't worry about what others are doing.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Christian Voting& You can vote however you like!& WASSUP 2008

In my spare time I go on and I read some of the political blogs on there...there is usually some interesting stuff. On October 27, 2008 I was reading Ben Smith's blog (recommended) and he had a video that was put out by the Democratic Christian Radio group Matthew 25 which was defending Obama's Christianity. I was surprised to see that a lot of conservative (obviously) christians liken a vote for McCain to a vote for Christ or God's will. So me being me, I had to respond to these quotes and here is what I said in response to that idea:

I hear a lot of interesting comments coming from a lot of people on this page. Number 1: No CHRISTian should be a registered member of a political party. The only person we should be answering to is God and not any particular party's agenda. To suggest that any party is fulfilling or concerned with the will of God is LUDICROUS. These men, on either side of the fence will do what it takes to get elected, whether Christ agrees with it or not. No 2: To say that voting for McCain is a vote for Jesus is borderline blasphemous. What is his policy for the poor or the "least of these" that Jesus emphasized while he walked this earth. What is his policy to ensure healthcare for our children and those who cannot afford to ensure themselves? I'm not seeing the similarities to Jesus. No. 3: To say that we should not have policies that tolerate people that do not believe as we do is also not biblical. The Bible does say thou shall not kill, steal, etc. and God is a just God. But just as the adulterer that Jesus forgave in the Gospels, we should not strive to ostracize people who do wrong. So if you call yourself a Christian, look at the life of Jesus and see how he handles all different types of situations. Then see whose OVERALL policy aligns most closely to the life of Christ and that is how you should vote...period.

I just had to get that off my chest! Let me know what you guys think about this with some comments, and by the way, I had to end off with a hilarious video. All i'll say is, YOU CAN VOTE HOWEVER YOU LIKE!

This is another hilarious but deep video, watch it till the end or you wont get it.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Politics& Relationships...some recent thoughts of mine

So....I'm sitting in the Meier Hall lobby, watching the last debate between my people's Obama and that old guy McCain. There was just a lot of stuff that just started to bother me about it. Number 1, the moderator always makes irrelevant points before he even gets to the question he is trying to ask. Number 2, neither candidate ever really has to answer the question and they spend 80% of the debate responding to something false or stupid the other person is saying. At the end of the thing, u really start to wonder what in the world was the point of losing the past 2 and 1/2 hours. Then you have these so called uncommitted voters in Ohio who watch every debate and then react to it. I feel like you honestly have to be retarded to make a decision on who your going to vote for based on the current set-up of debates. Like honestly if anyone can in a comment to this post name 3 points they know for a fact to be 100% accurate that were made by each candidate off of the top of their heads: they can start running this blog. McCain spent most of the time crying about how he has no money, how he wanted to have MORE of these pointless debates, and how Obama has gone too negative...WHOA there buddy- this is coming from a guy who just started to admit that Obama is not a muslim, and who's idiot running mate continues to make accusations that Obama "pals around with terrorists." So you quietly condoned people who support you to think that Obama is a radical muslim terrorist....WHO IS BEING NEGATIVE!?! Enough about that crap though...this is a blog so i can be biased and flat out McCain and his whole campaign is a joke, if you vote for him name 5 things he's gonna do to help you after inauguration. Unless you run Exxon Mobile, you shouldn't be able to think of anything. Now on to relationships. Titles...whats the point of them? Like im down with the whole committment and claiming your signifcant other when you actually do mean something relevant to each other. But why are people so anal about the title itself. To me, titles are not put together for the people in a relationship, they are there for the irrelevant jokers on the outside who gossip about those 2 people. The fact is, people are too nosy these days...if you see me conversating with a female, it doesn't mean we're means i like females. I'm a male, we like most cases...(thats another blog)...but as for me females is the way to go 1,000% of the time. But real talk, we gotta stop getting in other people's kool-aid, if you don't have a man or a girl...consider your singleness a blessing and meet some people. Do you, let others do them, and then maybe you can end up doing....(get the picture?) So I say ladies if you like a dude, but u don't want title and your talking to a dude u think u can trust...let him know wat u want. I think we just need to start being more real with each other because when it comes down to it, for the most part men and women want the same things. Some are just more open about it and others like to put on a front or sugarcoat...but on some real...we all know whats really going through ur head at those certain times of, well this is gettin long, holla at ur boy drop me some comments so I know if im on the right track. 1.

haha these people crack me up!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Welcome to my world!

Whats good people. I'm officially in the world of blogging. I just gotta shout out a couple people before I get this all settled. First of all to my boy Obama, for reminding me that when your black, you have to go the EXTRA mile to prove that your better than somebody else. Lets just be frank, if he were a white male with the same qualities he has now up against McCain and Tina Fey (Palin), this wouldn't have been close. So in the future, I will always go the extra mile to prove my worth. My parentals for instilling some good values in me and thank God for the ones I have actually kept. T dot Mill for inspiring me to start blogging, that's all the credit he will get although I'm sure he's looking for more. But i seriously suggest u give his P.D's volumes 1+2 playlist a gets the job done! ( So we'll be embarking on this journey together in the coming months...I'm excited and I will soon have some real things to get your mind going. Be ready! I know I am. I'm out like Rob Tyson's million dollar settlement...gone. lmao.